Tuesday 20 May 2014

Self-assessment and feed back (11th form)

1. Did you have any objectives at the beginning of the academic year? Which? 2. Which of them did you achieve/not achieve? Why? 3. Please, describe your participation in the lessons. Are you happy with the way you worked in class? 4. Please, describe your work at home? Are you happy with your independent work? 5. What would you recommend pupils of 11 form next year? What would you tell them to do to achieve the best results? 6. Where did you use English during the year? 7. What are your aims for the next year? 8. What are your achievements of your pilot exam?


  1. 1) Yes, I had. It was to increase the level of English knowledge, to learn a lot of new useful information.
    2) I achieved all of them (something more, something less).
    3) I try to answer questions from teacher, all the time when I am asked.
    4) I don't like doing a homework, but since we have not too much homework in English, it's good.
    5) To read and learn more outside the school.
    6) Only when I am travelling. Sometimes in communication with people from English speaking countries - in social networks.
    7) To read more; not to be lazy, because it will be the last school year.
    8) I have bad results. This fact coerces me to make efforts more in the next year.

  2. 1) At the beginning of the academic year I had one big objective to pass my research work and another smaller objective to finish this year without 3.
    2) As for me, I pass my research work very good but I didn`t achieve the second objective, I have one 3 in this year.
    3) I don`t like school and I don`t participate in discussions in the lesson. For me it is not interesting.
    4) At home I do all that say my parents. I like help them but I don`t like to do my homework at home.
    5) I don`t have recommends to pupils of 11 form.
    6) English language I used only at the English lessons. Sometimes I hear english songs.
    7) For the next year I want to get ready for exams and pass their good.
    8) I pass pilot exam very bad but it is normal because I didn`t get ready to it.

  3. 1. Yes i had. My objective was to have a good mark.
    2. I achieved it only at last course. I have done a very interesting work and teacher put me my 4. Its so unbelieveble.
    3. I am more than happy. I think at this year i have did my best.
    4. I tried to working hard at hope. yes i am also happy.
    5. I would like to recommend to work hard. Because if you try to study well all will come to you.
    6. In the internet. I was connecting with my friends. And also i saw some videos in English.
    7. To work hard and also improve my skills.
    8. I didn`t write it. But how has said teacher. we have a big problems with listening.

    Valeria Juskova

  4. 1. I had objective at the beginning of the year to finnish it with all 5.
    2. I hope I will achieve this objective because I studied hard all year.
    3. In the lessons I tried to work and answer all questions and homeworks.
    4. I'm not happy with my independent work, I could read more in english and watch english films or do some grammatic.
    5. To the pupils next year I will recommend to do all work in time and try to study english themselves at home.
    6. During year I use English on the lessons and reading some instructions how to use some things or programms.
    7. My aim for the next year is to pass all exams very good.
    8. In pilot exam I think reading was well done for me. I should practise my listening to do it better on real exam.

  5. 1. Yes, I had. I wanted to finish academic year succesfully. 2. I achieved it, but only partially. Because sometimes I was to lazy. 3. The most part of time on the lessons I was too passive, I would like to change that. 4. At home I have done all homeworks, but sometimes it had no the best quality, because again I was too lazy. 5. To work as hard as possible and to study English not only at school. 6. While I was communicating with my friends from abroad. 7. To work harder and to pass exam succesfully. 8. I understood that I need to work harder, beacause my knowledge not enough.

  6. 1) Yes, i have. I wanted to get mark above 3.
    2) I dont achive my objectives, because i am lazy.
    3) In class i work hardly. And I happy with the way i worked in class.
    4) On the one hand at home i did all tasks, but the another hand all tasks was easy and to them I spent a little time.
    5) Do all tasks in blog, and homeworks, read more english newspapers.
    6) I use english only in computer games, and for talk with friends.
    7) Write the exam successfullyю
    8) Exactly I dont know .

  7. 1. During the summer I learned words and tried to read press sometimes, to catch some new words. According to the fact, that summer time doesn't contribute to learning, I declare, that it was a hard work. At the beginning of the academic year, as I remember, I hadn't any objectives, because I was still suffering from fear of speaking english in this school. It felt like I had problems with tongue, I could not speak freely, always forgot even elementary/basic words. Only with the beginning of the 5th part of the year the fear disappeared and I found my second breathe. 2. - 3. Happiness comes to me, when I can speak or make jokes, and, ofcourse, when the teacher appriciates it. 4. As I said, at home I learn words, but mostly during the summer time, because I am too lazy to do it in school time. Well... What about the hometasks. I always do every of them. 6. The most important advice, which they may recieve from me is to retell texts accordint to the plan, but not doing it word by word. I am sure, that this method can expand the skill of speaking and I have been practicing this since the end of 2012/2013 y. 7. I would like to add some new words to my language, to speak even more freely. I also want to make grammar stronger, I am tired of using only 4 times and of doubts in using articles. 8. I was shocked by the listening, especially by the first exercise. When I was doing it I felt, that it was pretty easy and I will recieve at least 80% of its max. points. I was sure in the majority of the words... Also the reading made me happy.

  8. 1. Sure I had some objectives at the beginning of this year. I wanted to improve my grammar and speaking skills. Also I wanted to know more about other English speaking countries.
    2. I think that all my aims were achiveded. I am happy with my results.
    3. I try to work in class as hard as I can. But frequently, I think that I am not good enough.
    4. Yes, I am definitely satisfied with my independent work at home. I tried to do my best.
    5. I recommed them to be more harworking. I think those courses are not as hard as it seems, you just need to concentrate.
    6. During this year I watched many films on english language. I tried to read books on English as well, but it was quite hard.
    7. I would like to improve all my English skills. Also I will try to do my best on English exam.
    8. Thanks to this pilot exam I saw, which skills I need to improve to write state exam successfully.

  9. 1.Yes, I did have some objectives. To learn english better, to learn a new words, to finish this academic year with good marks, improve my skills.
    2.I did partially achieved my objecives, in the end of this year I know english better, but it could be better. I am not finishing this year as I wanted to, because laziness prevented me. And because of my illness I missed a lot of lessons and could not concentrate on my study. And this year was a little bit harder for me , than the last year.
    3.I think that I did not take the big part in the lessons. This might be better to. And i can not say that I am happy about it.
    4.Honestly, I am not quite happy with my independent work at home, because I need somebody to force me to do the work. At home I did home works, but not all. I am not happy , because I know that independent work helps to learn english.
    5.I recommend to do home work, to be active in the class.
    6. I did use english this year at lessons, during my travels.
    7. My aimы to the next year - do not be lazy, to go to all the lessons, successfully pass the exam, work at home.
    8.I will try to make every effort to learn English and to pass an exam successfully.

  10. 1. Yes, I did. As it was the last year before the final exam, I wanted to make sure that I am ready. We did different tasks that can be in the exam and now I have an impression about what to expect. I wanted to do my best at the English Olympiad.
    2. I took part in English Olympiad. For me my result was great because I wasn`t the last. I know now my weak sides in the exam on which I should work in summer.
    3. I am satisfied with my work in class but frankly, I should be more active in lessons. I did all assignments in books in class and tried to work hard.
    4. At home I did all homework that was necessary. I liked when we had to pick a article and make a retelling. It was the most fascinating work. I think I am happy with my independent work because it was interesting and wasn`t too hard for me.
    5. I would recommend them to catch every useful for the exam information in the lessons because there is no much time for preparing. They should try to do some additional exercises because things we do in lessons is not enough. They shouldn`t be lazy and do nothing ii doesn`t make any sense because it would only do harm.
    6. Unfortunately I didn`t speak to English-speaking people because I didn`t have the opportunity. But I watched films and serials in English. When we had Reading Course I read a book.
    7. The main aim is successfully pass the state exam. Also I would like to participate in English Olympiad and get bigger score than last year.
    8. I thought that I would do it worse than I did. I am satisfied with my result considering that I have one more year to prepare.

  11. 1. Yes, I did.I wanted to improve reading skills and prepair to exam.
    2. I can not exactly answer for this question, because I did not check my level for exam in full.
    3. I think that I worked not so hard, because I did not have the opportunity to work at full capacity.I did not had the opportunity to answer so often, because we have a lot of pupils in our form.
    4. I think that I worked well. I have always done my home work, taught words and so on.
    5. I would advise them to read more English newspapers, watch English movies with English subtitles, do more previous exams and try to listen to the English speech.
    6. In conversations with foreigners, in E-mail/Chat dialogues.
    7. The sole purpose for me is a successfully passed exam.
    8. Exam made me understand that I need to study harder. Because my English level is quite weak.

  12. 1. Yes, I did. To develop my English skills, to learn new words as much as possible, to improve my speaking and listening skills. 2. As for me, I managed to ahcieve all of them, but still there are some gaps and there are something to improve. 3. I think that my work in class was normal. I did all tasks and tried to work class. But I could be more active. 4. I satisfied with my homework. It was very interesting and really useful to find some information by yourself or read articles on different topics. 5. For pupils of 11 form I would recommend form next year to read more extra newspapers, articles or books, to watch films or better serises in English. 6. I used English to comunicate with my friends from other countries, to watch films and siries, to read some news. 7. Still to improve and develop English skills. 8. I am not satisfied with them. But as for me, it could be a good motivation for future.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 1) Yes, I did. My objective was to improve my language skills. Also my objective was to learn new words, phrases, smth new connected with grammar.
    2) From my point of view I achieved all my objectives which I had at the beginning of the academic year.
    3) I don't know why but in the lessons frequently I'm shy to answer or dialogue with teacher/classmates. I hope that next year will be better. Especially in my work in the lessons.
    4) I always do all my homework because I know that it is the way to improve my language skills and to learn something new. I'm satisfied with my work at home.
    5) I recommend to be more attentive in the lessons. When you have possibility to do something in the lesson/at home use it!
    6) I have friends from another countries (UK, Denmark, Norway). They are russians but sometimes we speak in English for practice.
    7) As I said before my aim is to improve my English.
    8) I'm a little bit dissatisfied. But I hope that next year will be better

  15. 1. My ambition was to increase my vocabulary, consolidate grammar, find out new English language features and to use English language more in my everyday life by surfing English Internet and listening to the radio programmes. I also wanted to get a higher score in English Olypiad than in the previous year.
    2. I am satisfied with completed goals that include reviewing grammar and getting a high result in English Olympiad. What comes to learning more vocabulary as usual I couldn't increase it this enough that would satify me. Although I have read English Internet and listened to BBC radio podcasts, I didn't do it as regularly as I wanted to. I have also spoken English a little this year.
    3. I have always tried to actively participate in class joint work and express my own opinion. But I think sometimes it happened that I wasn't very attentive, mostly during the last course.
    4. At home I always did homework and also did extra work using Internet resourses to practise my English. I am quite happy with my independent work though I would be happier if I could have managed to find more time for it.
    5. I would definetely recommend pupils to try using English everyday: ex. read press and listen to BBC radio. And to watch films and serials in English if they are originally produced in English. It all really helps to learn the language. And of cousre be active in class.
    6. I have used English Internet and also communicated with my friend from Germany in English.
    7. Next year I am going to study in English language in International College so my aim is to master it :)
    8. My achievements are very good and I am happy with them.

  16. 1) My main aim at the beginning of the academic year was to improve my listening and reading skills and of course inreach my vocabulary. Also I was waiting for the last course of this year called English-speaking countries to get know more about these countries and broaden my horizons.
    2) From my point of view, my reading skills got better thanks to reading different texts and articles at home. Also making a summary from articles and then perfoming with it behind the class helps improve speaking skills. When you learn texts by heart it also helps you to learn new words as well.
    3) In my opinion, I was enough active during the lessons. May be sometimes I could be braver and work more in the lessons.
    4) I have always done my homework and also done different tasks in addition to school tasks.
    5) I would recommend students of 11 form not to be lazy and always do they best. Also in addition to the school tasks to read newspapers in English because it helps improve the command of the language.
    6) During the year I used English at school. I watched films and soap opers in English. Unluckily, this year I had not an opportunity to speak English with anyone out of school.
    7) The main aim is successfully pass the state exam.
    8) I'm satisfied with my result but there are still things I have to practise and improve before the state exam.

  17. 1). Yes, I had. It was to learn new words, phrase.
    2). I think that I could achieve more, than I achieved.
    3). I think, I could be more active in lessons. I did all tasks, but I don't participate in discussions in the lesson.
    4). I did all my homework because I know that it help to improve my language skills.
    5). I would recommend students of 11 form not to be lazy. Read newspapers, listen radio.
    6). During the year I used English at school. I watched films in English and communicated with friends, who live abroad.
    7). I would like to improve all my English skills and pass exam.
    8). I have bad results. I have to practise and improve my English in the next year.
