Thursday 23 May 2013

Self-assessment and feed back

1. Did you have any objectives at the beginning of the academic year? Which? 2. Which of them did you achieve/not achieve? Why? 3. Please, describe your participation in the lessons. Are you happy with the way you worked in class? 4. Please, describe your work at home? Are you happy with your independent work? 5. What would you recommend pupils of 10 form next year? What would you tell them to do to achieve the best results? 6. Where did you use English during the year? 7. What are your aims for the next year?


  1. 1.My objective was to finish my academic year successfully. 2. I achieved it partially, because sometimes I was too lazy. 3.Yes, I`m happy with the way I worked in class, however I think I need to work more active. 4. I have had different types of homework- listening, tests, retelling, so yes, I`m happy.5. I would like to recommend to work harder. 6.I used English during the project Comenius and while I was communicating with my friends from abroad.7. My aim is to get so much knowledge as possible.

  2. 1) Yes, I had. I wanted to improve my knowledge in English and to increase my level of language proficiency.
    2) I think that all these objectives achieved. Because if to compare to my knowledge of language of the past academic year, of course, they improved.
    3) A lot of lessons are unusual. We haven't got boring lessons whole year. Teacher offer us to do group works, teach lessons in the computer class. I like our group and I belive it is the smartest and modern.
    4) I don't like to do any homework, but if I must do it - I do this.
    5) For achieveing best results they must understand that English is very important nowadays. And if they want to have a good job and life in the future, they must study more now: to listen English speech, to read English books and speak English.
    6) I use English in the Internet for communicate with some foreigh people and abroad.
    7) To attain better results.

  3. 1. Yes.Improve mine results. To be successful in 10th form.
    2. (Achieve)Accustomed to learning in the 10th grade. (Not achieve) Not all was as would expect.
    3. I did all my homework. I liked all courses in this year, but i am not happy with the way. I know that i can do this better.
    4. With this I had no problems, for me it was easy and possible. Yes i am happy with my independent work.
    5. Do all exercises on class,listen carefully teacher and do all homeworks.
    6. From Hungary came a pupil with whom i was connecting and we were speaking in enlgish. Now days we keep in touch on the Internet.
    7. My aims is: to improve my english.

  4. 1.In this academic year my objectiv was successfully complete the school.
    2.I achieve my objectives.
    3.This year in english lessons I was working well but not at full strength.
    4.I was working at home at full strength trying to teach and to do all written work, so I am happy with my work at home.
    5.they are must study all material which say teacher, and must to do homework.
    6.Only in communication with friends .
    7.In the next year my main objectiv is the pass researche work and good finish year.

  5. 1. I wanted to broaden my horizons and get new knowledge for exam.
    2. I achive all my objectives, because I didn`t put very high task for myself.
    3. I am happy with my work at lessons, it was very interesting, because tasks were creative. But I'm not completely satisfied with my work. I find that I didn`t work in full force.
    4. There was very interesting homework in this course. I think that retellings and reading help us to develop our speech.I enjoyed to do homework, it didn`t require a lot of time.
    5. I would recommend them to pay attention to grammar and their own word bagage, read a lot, watch films and listen songs in English to
    get used to accents and dialects.Everyday we watch some movies and listen music, its not so difficult to do it in English.Its very useful for listening and writing exams in future.
    6. I used my English in conversation with foregin language people in some chats on the Internet,at English lessons and during my spring trip.
    7. My aims are : 1) Study at 5 and 4 marks
    2) Improve my grammar

  6. 1) When I went at school in september I was going to improve my estonian and english languages because in the 12th form I will pass exams.
    2) My estonian language became better than was. But my english language didn`t become better as I wanted.
    3) In the lessons I prefered more sit quietly. I didn`t like to ask for teacher questions or went to board.
    4) At home I worked hardly and very long. Sometimes I didn`t have time to do all tasks. I don`t happy with my work at home.
    5) I recommend them to not put off all tasks, which our teachers give and do all at the time.
    6) I used english at the lessons. Not only in english lessons but also on others (we watched films in english). Also I used english at home, when I used a computer or watched television.
    7) In the next year I would like to study more hardly. Also I am going to defend my research work and hope that I do this good.

  7. 1) Yes, at the beginning of the academic year I had a objective to improve my English language.
    2) I had one main goal, I almost made it, not exactly the way I wanted, but still I managed to slightly improve my English.
    3)I did not always work as active as we would like. But overall, I'm pretty happy with his work this year.
    4)This year, for homework I have not paid a lot of time. Very little. I learned and retold texts, repeated grammar. But all I did was in my favor, I think that if I had ever done independent work at home, my English has improved even more.
    5)I would recommend doing your homework and implement the recommendations of the teacher. Practice at home in addition to the school program. And it is important to understand that it is necessary for you, not the teacher.
    6)I used the English language in the classroom, and when I took part in a Comenius project, In my home lived girl from Italy, and we communicated in English only, at first it was difficult, because we both know very well English .But overall it was a good experience and it was very interesting to talk with young people from other countries, make new friends and practicing their English.
    7)My goals for the next year as much as possible to improve their English language skills.

  8. 1. I didn't have any objectives at the beginning as for english.
    3.I usually try to work during the lessins. I rather like to speak, than to write. I would like to practise my speech skills more, like we do during the lessons of estonian language (we try to speak only est. lang.).
    4.I don't usually waste a lot of time for english homework, because homework is often small and demands only learning or reading. However, practically all homeworks bring something new and useful for me.
    I am happy with my independent work, because I always do it.
    5.I would like to recommend: When you have to retell a text, don't learn every word and phrase, read it one time and retell it with your own words, then read it one more time and retell better. This saves your nerves, time and useful for your speech.
    You should study and believe in further results.
    6.I constantly use english to speak with english speaking gamers in online games. I also use my english skills to read and answer comments under YouTube videos.
    7.I would like to hardly improve my vocabulary, because I need more words to freely speak english. Sometime I have no time or willpower to learn words independently. I also want to know tenses, to feel the difference between them and exactly know where and which of them should I use.

  9. 1. Yes, I had some aims for this year. This aims were to improve my grammar and writting.
    2. I think that I partly achieved those aims. Anyway, from my point of view, now my grammar is much more better.
    3. I tried to work hard in class, but I think I should be more active on lessons.
    4. At home I also tried to do my best. I think my independent work was quite good.
    5. I would recommend them to work hard whole school year. English is difficult lenguage, but very ineteresting. If you want to be good at English, you should read books or watch films on this language.
    6. I chat with my friend who lives abroad, I watched films and I also tried to read a book on English.
    7. Now my spelling is not good. So I would like to improve it next year.

  10. 1. In this academic year I wanted to study English harder than in the previous year, because I realised that we'll have a very difficult exam in the end of the high school and only constant work can help to pass it. I wanted to be more skillful in using different tenses and improve my vocabulary a lot.
    2. I think that I could have learnt much more words than I did. However I'm satisfied with the way I've improved my grammar this year. Now I understand tenses a bit better. Also in my view I had a good result in English Olympiad even though I didn't get a prise place.
    3.I'm happy with the way I worked in class because I was always listening to the teacher and the classmates and did every task we were given.
    4. Although I always did my hometasks I could have worked harder at home but unfortunately it was difficult to find time for extra practice.
    5. My advice to the pupils of 10th form is to do some extra exercise on grammar at home(lot's of them in the Internet for example) because curriculum is more about writing and speaking skills and you don't have time in class to do something that you personally are bad in. And of course learn texts that teacher tells you to learn.
    6. I used English a lot when I participated in Comenius project. And after a project meeting in France I was communicating with a girl I met by an email.
    7. I have the same aim every year - learn English hard and participate in Olympiad.

  11. 1. Yes, I had. I wanted to improve my English skills and wanted to speak in English more.
    2. I think all of them because we spoke a lot in the lessons and had some oral exercises for example we did interesting presentations about Britain.
    3. I think I actively took part in the lessons trying to do my best. But sometimes I was lazy because I couldn`t concentrate on the letters which we were writing. In general I think I worked hard.
    4. At home I always did all of the hometasks. Homework was feasible but sometimes I had to spend more time on it than usually. I think that homework helped me to remember the material that we leart in the lesson. In the 5th period homework was very interesting because I searched some information in the Internet about Britain and read some stuff. I liked this.
    5. I would recommend them to work hard in the lessons and do homework. I think that they should read more so they could speak more fluently. They should write letters properly because it is important for the exam. And I would recommend to have fun and pleasure by learning English.
    6. I participated in the Comenius Project. I spoke with different people from some countries - that was useful for my oral skills in English. And of course I used English in the English lessons.
    7. I think I want to improve my writing skills because I feel myself not confidently so I have to practice and practice.

  12. 1) At the beginning I would like to improve my skills in language and to learn a lot new.
    2) I've learnt how to write letters of different kinds and this knowledge we also will need on our English exam. I have also learnt a lot about The British Isles. The speaking course helped me improve my speaking skills.
    3) In the lessons I do all tasks that teacher gives and work with the whole class. I'm happy with the way I work in class because all tasks are possible and almost in each lesson I learn something new.
    4) I always do my homework I'm happy with the way I work at home because I have more time for doing my work.
    5) I would like to recommend them to do all their tasks in time, to learn clearly a new material and to read books for themselves.
    6) I've taken part in the international project Comenius.
    7) I would like to improve me more speaking skills and a grammar.

  13. 1. Yes, I had. I wanted to improve my knowledge : as oral and writing skills.
    2. I can say that i achived it thanks to our lessons becaus during this year we speak a lot performing oral reports and learning texts by heart. Also there was great opportunity to improve our writing skill during the 4th period (writing course).
    3. I am glad with the way i worked in the class. I think that I actively took part in the lessons. Sometimes I was a little bit lazy, especially when we had our lessnos in the end of the day.
    4. I also glad with my independent work at home. I think it was really feasible. I like to learn something new, so, it ewas intereting to learn some texts, prepare performances and read read the news online at home.
    5. I think that they need to do their homeworks hard, to be attentive in the lessons and also to read some extra (for example online news)because it is really intersting and can be useful in their future studying!
    6. Durin this year I used English in the summer when we were abroad to communicate with foreigners and also we had really great opportunity as COMENIUS project to communicate with pupils from Hungary, Germany, Italy and France.
    7. I think that my aims are still the same - to improve English more. And in the summer I am going to do a lot of exercises for achieving this, read more in English, I will go to the Liverpool to the language camp and hope that I will have more opportunities to comminucate with foreigners.
